Saturday, January 19, 2008


Dennis Kucinich, has nothing better to do with his money then requesting a recount here in New Hampshire. My goodness this recount is going to cost him around $68,000.00, or more depending on the amount of time it takes for recounting all these votes. As of yesterday all was going along fine with the recount.
I do find it disturbing that Secretary of State Bill Gardner is getting a few threatening emails, on this project. Bill Gardner has been our Secretary of State for many years and he is one very honest man. I'm sure these nasty emails are coming from another group of idiots who appear to be doing nothing more then causing more problems running for the most important election in our Country. Maybe these so called "whatever- groups" they are should all be taken over to another country and dropped off to live somewhere else where they will quickly find they have no rights. Maybe then and only then they might realize how lucky they are to be living here in United States, where they have rights to be a pain in the arse to the rest of us.
Well, I would like to say if Dennis Kucinich has nothing better to do with his money then why doesn't he give it to a good charity of his choice to help many people who need it. Instead he prefers to waste his money on asking for a recount, of course that is choice, but think about how nice it would be if these idiots with so much money would give their billions to a non profit organization, and better yet a charity of his/her choice.
I must add, many thanks to Dennis Kucinich for giving some of your billions to the State of New Hampshire as we certainly can use it.

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